About Us


Foremost, we’d like to extend our genuine “thank you” to our valued clients who have expressed their full support and “trust” in choosing ANSAQ as their partner in achieving such endeavors from the beginning up to the last stage of the project. Because of their genuine trust, our team has expanded the scope of unceasing research and development under the goal of providing quality and cost control project management to meet local and international standards.

ANSAQ relies on the principle of teamwork. As a team, we work side by side with project owners from the foundation of the project. This leads to a strong working relationship and sound communication reflecting positively on the end product in terms of quality and cost control. We believe that team work is achieved through quality services in a credible and transparent manner. Indeed, quality is our optimum concern. We have grown rapidly way back from the inception stage up to the present. With a lot of projects successfully completed, a lot more are coming.

In order to achieve our aim of continuous and steady relationship with our clients, ANSAQ is proud to exhibit quality services characterized by satisfied transparency and credibility. Our well-trained workforce has shown exceptional ability in the design flexibility, skilled project management and quality workmanship. We demonstrate our capabilities by optimizing the resources we have keeping abreast the mission vision of our growing organization.

كلمة المدير التنفيذي

سعت شركة انساق للمقاولات المحدودة طوال السنوات الماضية جاهده لِتوفير الفرص المتكافئة للشباب والشابات من ذوي الأحتياجات الخاصة أسوةً بزملائهم الأصحاء للالتحاق بجميع اقسامها وذلك انطلاقاً من ايمانها بواجبها نحو خدمة جميع افراد المجتمع بجميع فئاته. حيث يعتبر توفير جميع الوسائل النوعية لدعم الشباب والشابات من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة ركيزة اساسية في عمليات التخطيط واتخاذ القرار في الشركة كما لا تغفل الشركة عند تنفيذ عمليات مراجعة خطط التوظيف المختلفة ان تكون ملائمة لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة.
ولأهمية ان تكون البيئة مناسبة لخدمة ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة ومهيئة لهم منذ اللحظات الأولى لأ لتحاقهم بالعمل، سعت ادارة الشركة لتسخير جميع طاقاتها و إمكاناتها وبذل منسوبيها قصارى جهدهم للتأكد من تحقيق ذلك.
إنّ لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصّة الحقّ في التأهيل، والرّعاية، والعمل، والتّعليم، وهذا على قدم من المساواة مع الأصحّاء من أقرانهم ، وقد حرصت ادارة الشركة على مساعدتهم في صناعة قراراتهم وتشجيعهم على العمل مما ينمي الكفاءة الذّاتيّة ، ومعرفة مواطن القوّة لديهم والعمل على صقلها وتشجيعها ، لإظهار مواهبهم و التّعامل معها وإفساح المجال لهم للمُساعدة في أمور مختلفة وكان ذلك من خلال تطوير موظفيها من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة ورفع كفاءتهم من خلال إقامة عدة دورات والمساعدة بتوظيفهم.
وقد عملت ادارة الشركة من خلال خطتها الاستراتيجية للعام 2021م – 2024 م ، على توفير البيئة المناسبة كتجهيز المرافق لديها، وأماكن العمل، لتتناسب مع قدراتهم وتطوير موظفيها وزيادة الوعي لديهم في ما يخص طرق التعامل مع ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة من الموظفين ، وتدريبهم على طرق التخاطب من خلال إقامة عدة دورات تدريبية في ذات المجال حيث تسعى ادارة الشركة من خلال خطتها ومنهجها المعتمد ان تصبح رائده في المملكة لهذا التوجه السامي والخدمة المجتمعية

Ceo Speech

Ansag Contracting Company Limited has been striving over the past years to provide equal opportunities for young men and women with special needs, in line with their healthy counterparts, to join all its departments. This stems from its belief in its duty to serve all members of society in all its categories. Providing all quality means of support for youth with special needs is a fundamental pillar in the company’s planning and decision-making processes. The company also ensures that all recruitment plans are suitable for people with special needs.

Recognizing the importance of creating a suitable environment for serving people with special needs and preparing them from the first moments of joining work, the company’s management has endeavored to harness all its energies, capabilities, and efforts of its staff to ensure this achievement. People with special needs have the right to rehabilitation, care, work, and education, on an equal footing with their healthy peers. The company’s management has been keen to assist them in making their decisions and encouraging them to work, thereby enhancing self-efficiency, knowing their strengths, polishing and encouraging them, showing their talents, dealing with them, and providing them with assistance in various matters.
This was done through the development of its employees with special needs and enhancing their efficiency through several courses and assisting in their employment. Through its strategic plan for the period 2021-2024, the company worked to provide a suitable environment by equipping its facilities and workplaces to suit their capabilities, developing its employees, and increasing awareness among them regarding how to deal with people with special needs among employees. Training them on communication methods by holding several training courses in the same field. The company’s management aims, through its plan and adopted approach, to become a leader in the kingdom in this noble direction and community service.